Since the birth of Canada’s first railway back in 1836, rail has been fundamental to our nation’s prosperity. But what started out as a 26-kilometre rail line has expanded into an intricate network of almost 43,000 kilometres of track, and one of the most efficient, safe and cost-effective transportation systems in the world. Today, around 70 per cent of all intercity surface freight and half of Canada’s exports are moved by rail.

Canada’s freight railways move over 900,000 tonnes of goods every day, 365 days a year—delivering essential products to customers across Canada and around the globe. Transporting everything from the cars we drive, to the food we eat and the fuel we use to heat our homes, Canada’s freight rail system is crucial to our lives and our economy.

Whether our railways are moving bulk, industrial or consumer goods, we are committed to transporting products efficiently, safely, cost-effectively and sustainably. In fact, a locomotive can pull one tonne of freight more than 210 kilometres on a single litre of fuel. Now that’s hard to beat.  Check out more here!